Executive board

The executive committee is elected for a 4-year period and consists of a President, a Secretary General, an Executive Officer, and a Chief Administrator.

The current executive committee (2022-26) is situated in Aarhus, Denmark.

Aarhus University

Department of Biomedicine-Physiology


Helle Prætorius Øhrwald

Aarhus University

Department of Biomedicine-Physiology

Secretary General

Vladimir Matchkov

University of Copenhagen

Department of Biology

Executive Officer

Stine Helene Falsig Pedersen

Aarhus University

Department of Biomedicine

Administrative coordinator and communication

Nanna Cathrine Brinch


The board consists of one or two representatives and a deputy of each of the Nordic countries as well as the executive committee. The board normally meets once a year to discuss new initiatives, develop strategies and to decide on a budget for the coming.


University of Copenhagen

Morten Bækgaard Thomsen

University of Southern Denmark

Henrik Dimke

University of Copenhagen

Lykke Sylow (deputy)


University of Helsinki

Francisco J. Rivera

University of Jyväskylä

Dominique Daniel Gagnon

Turun Yliopisto

Ilkka Heinonen (deputy)


University of Iceland

Marta Guðjónsdóttir

University of Iceland

Ólöf Birna Ólafsdóttir (deputy)


University of Tromsø

Ellen Aasum

University of Oslo

Kåre-Olav Stensløkken

Norwegian University of Life Sciences

Ida Beitnes Johansen (deputy)


Uppsala University

Markus Sjöblom

Göteborgs Universitet

Jenny Nyström

Karolinska Institute

Johanna Lanner (deputy)