Executive board
The executive committee is elected for a 4-year period and consists of a President, a Secretary General, an Executive Officer, and a Chief Administrator.
The current executive committee (2022-26) is situated in Aarhus, Denmark.

Aarhus University
Department of Biomedicine-Physiology
Helle Prætorius Øhrwald
- Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 10
(build 1115) - +45 3155 8810
- hp@biomed.au.dk

Aarhus University
Department of Biomedicine-Physiology
Secretary General
Vladimir Matchkov
- Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 10
(build 1115) - +45 2183 4982
- vvm@biomed.au.dk

University of Copenhagen
Department of Biology
Executive Officer
Stine Helene Falsig Pedersen
- Universitetsparken 13
- +45 2099 1555
- sfpedersen@bio.ku.dk

Aarhus University
Department of Biomedicine
Administrative coordinator and communication
Nanna Cathrine Brinch
- Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 10
(build 1115) - +45 9352 1801
- ncb@biomed.au.dk
The board consists of one or two representatives and a deputy of each of the Nordic countries as well as the executive committee. The board normally meets once a year to discuss new initiatives, develop strategies and to decide on a budget for the coming.



