Special Interest Groups
The Scandinavian Physiological Society supports special interest groups (SIG) to facilitate bottom-up-driven activities within the objectives of the Society.
Each SIG is expected to propose symposia and speakers for our main meetings and we typically allocate a day to topic meetings within the SIGs on the day before our main meeting starts. In addition, the SIGs can organise their own separate events, such as small meetings, workshops, seminars and courses with focus on their physiological discipline.
The Guidelines for SIGS:
- The special interest groups receive 75.000 SEK per annum to cover activities. It is possible to pool the money for up to three years for planning bigger arrangements.
- The special interest groups plan their own activities, the purpose must be scientific and comply with the goal and vision of the SPS.
- The special interest groups must always credit SPS as sponsor for the arrangement.
- The special interest groups are required to contribute with a pre-meeting for all annual SPS-meetings.
- The special interest groups must have one chair and primary contact for the SPS Executive Committee.
- The chair is expected to attend the yearly meeting with SPS board and give a report for SIG activities, travel will be reimbursed.
- The chair of the special interest groups must be elected/re-elected by the SIG members every fourth year.
- An updated list over members has to be submitted to the SPS Executive Committee yearly.
- We encourage that the members of the SIG also to be society members.
If a SIG does not comply with the guidelines, then SPS may stop the financial support.
Service from the SPS to the SIGs:
- The SPS will supply the SIG with a list of members associated with the SIG
- The SPS will keep the budget for the SIGs, and status can be on the budget is send per request
- The SPS will facilitate and promote SIG activities.
You must be a member of the Scandinavian Physiological Society to join a SIG. Become a member here.
Each SIG receives up to SEK 75 000 per year to support their activities, and each SIG will be evaluated on a five-year basis.
A new SIG can be established upon approval by board and after nomination by the executive board. A SIG must include members from at least three Nordic countries, and more than five laboratories.
There are currently six Special interest Groups in SPS: