
As a member of the Scandinavian Physiological Society, you will be able to:

  • participate in events and meetings organised by SPS across the world
  • connect with international researchers within the field of physiology
  • gain access to our renowned scientific journal Acta Physiologia
  • obtain first-hand information on granting opportunities and physiology-related meetings and conferences
  • receive the SPS newsletter from the executive committee
  • qualify for travel awards for scientific meetings within SPS portfolio

You can join SPS as ordinary members, student member, and associated members. You can find the application form here.

Student membership

Students engaged in research can become members by filling out the application form and attaching a letter of recommendation from their mentor.

Ordinary membership

Researchers in Nordic universities or colleges, working within physiological disciplines can become ordinary members by sending in the application form.

If you reside outside the Nordic countries, you can also join an ordinary member, if you have affiliations to one or more of the Nordic countries and is recommendation by a current member.

Honorary membership

SPS awards honorary memberships to members that have promoted the activities of SPS in an extraordinary manner. Nominations for honorary memberships should be submitted to the board.

Associated membership

Societies and organisations that want to support the Scandinavian Physiological Society can gain an associated membership by contacting the Secretary General.


Student (S): SEK 200/year

Ordinary members (O): SEK 400/year

Associate (A): SEK 400/year

Lifelong (L): SEK 2000/one time

Payment details

SEB Private Banking K G5
SE-106 40 Stockholm

IBAN: SE2150000000054281005404
Account number (if you pay in Sweden): 5428 10 054 04

Please pay the fee at your earliest convenience for the current year. If the Annual fee has not been paid for three consecutive years, you are considered to have withdrawn from the Society.
Please send a payment confirmation to after making the payment of the Annual fee.

Cancel my membership

Please send an email to if you wish to cancel your membership. We do not reimburse prepaid memberships.